Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Project 2: Using the Human form for Art

© 2012 Heather Orlando

Proposal: Monday, 10/28
Prelim: Monday, 11/4
Final: Wednesday, 11/13

Create a body of work that explores the human form in some way. These can be portraits, abstractions of the body, nudes, theatrical, conceptual, or other. Worked toward a cohesive group of images that are aesthetically and conceptually related. Plan to submit between 5-7 final images, in print form as well as digital (jpegs 1200).

Create most appropriate studio lighting design to support your images. 

Proposals should be 1 page, referencing the work of two established artists as inspiration

Work will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Original, inspiring, and creative idea/vision/approach
  • Quality of lighting design
  • Quality of photographic design
  • Technical (camera, lighting, file management, etc.)
  • Deliverables (prints, files, etc.)
  • Growth of the project over the course of the assignment
Proposals, prelim and final critiques will be graded.

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